Àdùnní 💜
5 min readDec 16, 2023

Have you ever met someone so amazing
you wish you could pause the time so it doesn't end?

Shhh! I know, I know it's too early to think that way but then...

My trip to the East is going to be a long one as I don't like long road trips, but I don't have an option.

Woke up very early to prepare, as my bus was scheduled for departure by 7:00 am. Wore my trousers and my cardigan as I was freezing with cold, the best season is here: harmattan season.
I got a cab that was headed towards the park,

"Good morning, good citizen of Nigeria 🇳🇬.
You are listening to Hot FM 99.9..." and the music continues.

I looked through the window wondering how the trip would be, and silently wishing no one booked the seat beside me like the last time I traveled, I got to the park and walked out of the cab gently, and I heard a shout from behind,

_"Madam! Madam! You never give me money..."_

"Oh! I'm very sorry sir."

I rushed back to pay him, my mind was clouded as I was also fighting my _demon:_ mood swing.

Few minutes after I walked into the park and got my bus ticket, there was an announcement;

"All passengers going to Enugu please kindly move to your bus."

"All passengers going to Enugu please move to your bus."

I could hear my breath again, as I shivered to the bus. I got on my seat, and a lady came straight and sat beside me, "Oh! not my lucky day", I muttered in my mind. I plugged in my earphones and started the music.

As I laid back with my eyes closed...

"Good morning everyone, my name is Captain A and we will be taking the Lokoja-Kogi route and our speed limit is 100km/hr. Thank you for choosing GIGM."

Then I increased the volume of the music and spread wide on my thought. Ayo came to my mind as I feasted on our best moment and dozed off.
Suddenly, I felt a cold hand on my skin. I opened my eyes and stopped my music.

"Ijeoma", she said, smiling at me.
"Ijeoma, that's my name. So you don't need to worry, the trip is already a safe one."

My eyes were stretched wide with perplexing questions;
"Who?" "From where?" "What is the familiarity about?" and every other thing my mood was saying.

I pulled out the earphones and replied "Okay...",
My mind ran in circles, "can I just have this 8-hour ride to myself? I just want to be sad all through this journey. Sis Are you trying to hit on me?"
This is the first time a girl is moving this way toward me. "Okay, calm down!" I said to myself.

"Wura! My name is Wura."

"Yoruba right? I love the Yorubas..." I was still tempted to say "Silent sis."

While I was still fighting my demon, this gesture beside me, her beautiful smile, went wide and reflected brightness. I felt I could feel her soul. She wanted to talk and enjoy the moment.
And this is me who just wanted to watch the trees and the moving cars. I just wanted to complain about the bad road in my head, I just wanted to be there feeling bad for the traders hawking drinks and running after vehicles and wishing their lives become better soon.

But I have a gesture close, I may never meet this person again, though, I felt she was always sensing the bad energy from my _demon_,
I opened my purse and brought my chocolate, 'please share with me" I said, you should see the wide grin on her face.

We got talking, she told me about her siblings, her favorite thing to do, oh, she loved knitting!
Nah, this is another person who has skills, tell me why I'm already giggling. That few moments we started the conversation, we connected at most level, "oh, is this me making a new friend?"
Okay let's find out,

"I like food a lot"

"Especially good food." we both chorused.

"Okay, slow down." I said to myself. "How did we go from 0 to 100?"

We spend most part talking about food and how Igbo dishes are my favorite,

"Wait! how come you know so much about our dishes?" she asked.

"Well, I like good things and igbo dishes happens to be one".

"I like you already", she was said.

Okay, hang on... What was I supposed to say? "Okay"? "I like you too"? Or "Thank you"?
Alright, I chose to smile.

She brought her phone and asked for a few shot. Her smile and my perfect face made the picture feels like it had dropped from heaven.

A moment of silence.
Then she goes,

"I'm happy but my heart is heavy."

I held my heart for a moment not knowing what to expect.

"I think I miss him a lot" she said.

The look on my face went sour, like "not now girl, this was supposed to be a girl moment" I said in my heart.

"Okay I'm all ears", I said to her with a smile. Hit me with everything, pour it all on me.
She went on and on to talk about her sweet relationship and her heartbreak. After hours of listening, she was finally done.

So I said, "I think I miss him too", she laughed so hard and we talked about it. There was another moment of silence, then she fell asleep.

I brought out my book and wrote her a short note:

"When someone’s having a bad day,
A smile could go a long way,
So do yours,
So make sure to give them yours.
And keep it until the day is gone.
You don’t know what this deed,
Could do for someone in need.
It might save them from the pain,
Of a sadness they cannot contain.
Don’t ask what a smile can do,_
Because your smile brightened my day.

Thank you for filling this trip with awesomeness.
Ijeoma I had a safe trip.


The best 8 hours I had in a while, my _demon_ (mood swing) was not happy someone bailed me out.
We got to the park, we hugged tightly and I handed the note to her.

Ijeoma ✨

Àdùnní 💜

A Reader, mixing thought like fura and nunu, storyteller and just Àdùnní. mefiefaith55@gmail.com in case you want to write back 😊