Àdùnní 💜
2 min readOct 1, 2023

Oh, happy times and sad times. I know if I ask you to choose, I can already read your mind. But have you ever listened to your heart during those sad times?

The happy times, the hard times, and those teary eyes are all that form our emotions. Most of the time, it feels like the happy moments are shorter. Then, the sad moments feel so long, even if it is just for a day.

The last time I was sad, I had to tell myself that I have to be here for a while and enjoy my unpleasant moment. Life is not created to be straight. Nah, you think a psychopath is writing this?

These are the parts we often don't share. Most of the time, we feel like weaklings. We always have to be happy. Oh, we owe the world so many happy pictures. Why do we feel so uncomfortable talking about how sad we are?

"How are you doing?" I'm doing great for someone who just finished crying and wondering why their life is not together.

It's okay to cry sometimes. It's okay if your plans do not work out sometimes. And it's okay to want a shoulder (I just shot myself in the head). I often don't let my pain out most times. But now, I discovered it's a part of life.

It's okay to be tired when you fail. It's very okay to get back up again. It is okay to want that hug 🤗 Don't be too hard on yourselves. It's very okay if you are not right often.

Let it hurt you until you don't feel hurt anymore. I once read someone's post as she wrote, "I started selling honey after my heartbreak, and today I have four honey shops at different locations, thanks to heartbreak." I quickly remembered mine. After crying for days, I dusted off my books. I was going to school to get my degree that I was letting go of.

That is not all. There was another time when I was so sad and falling into depression. An idea for a business popped up, and my brand was all over the place.

Talking about the last sadness I experienced, it led me right to Medium and I started putting my writing out here. You see, it is not all that bad after all.

So get up and wipe your teary eyes. Get the best out of your sad phase.

Àdùnní 💜

A Reader, mixing thought like fura and nunu, storyteller and just Àdùnní. mefiefaith55@gmail.com in case you want to write back 😊